
the journey of life...

there is a reason why ages mix and coexist. that is how experiences are shared. this is how we learn. this is how the dying live and living die. I believe this is how extremes are normalised. this is how the depressed see the bright side of life and the excited ones get to see the depth of life. after all, it is just a journey. everyone is just passing through with the liked ones and the disliked ones too. interesting though. brings the idea of a metro in mind. you don't always get to sit with likeable passengers. you like some. you hate most. still you make that journey. still you stay in the same bus - coz you have to pass through. you have to make that journey. and you make that journey peacefully. while being content with everyone around you. the journey of life demands the same contentment. the same peace - within and without. share, learn, grow and smile. that's the best gift you can give back to life... :)


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    1. Thanks a lot Maria. Glad that you share the same perspective. After all, it is a journey!

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    1. True! But with dilemmas come beautiful surprises too. Life never seizes to amaze. And yes it never seizes itself either - not atleast when we wish it to. It's odd. It's painful. But it's ours. The only thing that is ours actually. What else will we have if we don't have our life?

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    1. Even reading this last comment of yours makes me feel the pain. What's going on at your end? Personal I know, but then I guess sharing your burden and listening it out is the best I could do from here. Just remember, in the darkest of moments even the tiniest speck of light shines the brightest. Let that speck shine through for you, ignore the dark :)

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    1. Really glad to know that. Apologies for thinking otherwise earlier. And yes I totally agree with you, life does treat us that way at times. It's more like a crest and trough thing - one moment you are overwhelmed with its goodness and another moment you are disgusted with its harshness. What choice do we have, except to just live it through... :)

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    4. I am grateful. By the way, do you happen to write as well? Would love to read your words. As you must have noticed I am great procrastinator when it comes to blog writing and that's why don't mention my blog much on any mediums. Was actually surprised to read your comment the other day :) Pleasantly surprised, that is.

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    1. Wow! Thanks a lot. I'm really glad you like my writing. *blushing.* Content writing sounds fun. You do it as a freelancer? And yes - this indeed is a beautiful surprise...you are a beautiful surprise :)

    2. hmmm how about emailing me the reply: huzema.qyum@gmail.com - hope this isn't asking too much :)
